Don’t Be Stupid with Social Media

It’s well known now that many potential employers screen applicants not only by what they put on their resumes, but how they present themselves online via social media like Twitter, Facebook, personal blogs, and so on. Kelly Clay reminds people of this fact and tells the job hunters out there what bad social media habits are best broken before they become a liability in the search for employment. One: Don’t be a jerk to people online, you idiot!

You can watch the entire live recording here:

Duration : 0:4:52

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When I grow up I want to be…

TeyTV talks about some of the careers he wanted to pursue when he was younger and what he wants to pursue now.

Duration : 0:9:21

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Job Success Club Supports Rutgers Alumni

Rutgers alumni who are looking for employment gain valuable job hunting tips and support at the Job Success Club, run by Len Garrison, career coach with Rutgers Career Services. The group meets regularly, usually in the Cap & Skull Room in Rutgers Student Center in New Brunswick.

Duration : 0:2:7

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Graduates and Guardian Jobs career experts share top tips on graduate recruitment, internships and apprenticeship job seeking:

How do you Jobseek? – Sophie Relf discusses social media recruitment and how to; reach university students, graduates and apprenticeship seekers.

University students and grads share graduate job hunting tips on how to use online, social networks and campus career fairs.

How important is work experience in your Job hunt? – Graduates talk about shortlist challenges; how to gain entry level positions, and share their jobseeking experiences.

Did you know?

• Guardian Jobs have over 6,000 under and post grad Facebook fans. Join them:

• Guardian Jobs and Guardian Graduate have more than 14,000 Twitter followers. Join the discussion: and

• Guardian Jobs is accessed by over 10,000 mobile users monthly.

• Half a million Graduates read Guardian Jobs.

• 260,000 Graduates visit Guardian Jobs monthly.


Duration : 0:3:6

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This is a short sampling of our one of our advanced flipbook technologies we use for creating CD-Rom Presentations. The flipbook is a auto run production with built-in slideshow, index and print capibility.
Flipbook are a excellent ways to document an event or promote upcoming events because of the ability to add text and a the very nature of it’s self-pace format for the viewer.
We produce a lot of these in many lengths, layouts and designs for CD-Roms that includes a start menu for combining multi flipbooks into one volume.
Lowcost and effective way to document an event or to promote or market an upcoming event or even a neat way to showcase a civil group, school, business or as a donation generating aide. They can also be used to created educational presentations.

Duration : 0:2:1

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