Archive for October, 2010

Is Software Programming a Good Career?

Some people wonder if computer programming is still a good career to pursue. Here are five reasons why this is still a good profession and five reasons why you might want to consider something else.

Duration : 0:8:52

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A proper job cover letter will include personal information like name and address, and any qualifications for the employment opportunity. Construct a fluid cover letter by using black ink for the signature and leaving out grammatical errors with tips from a business management specialist in this free video on finding employment.

Expert: Gloria Dixon Campbell
Bio: Gloria Dixon Campbell has an executive MBA in management from the University of South Florida, and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of West Florida.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Duration : 0:1:20

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Learn more:

Duration : 0:0:43

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Job Search Assistant

This video demonstrates the specifics of the position of Job Search Assistant currently open at Best Jobs Magazine. for information about this position, watch this video or go to

Duration : 0:7:53

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Denise Hogsett, with Marshall Universitys Career Services, has advice for students and parents on how to prepare for the job market, while on winter semester break.

Duration : 0:1:45

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